Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Tuesday, February 5, 2008. 1:51am.

This is my first attempt at "blogging" anything so forgive me if I screw up. I am a tired Proletariat! I'm very frustrated at how my generation is being screwed in every hole by this God awful War. It seems to me that too many people are either passings the buck or trying to be Chiefs; when what they should be doing is finding their own path in the Universe and wake up from within! Am I the only human being that feels like this War is causing many people to lose their mind? I don't know what to write any more that is or isn't politically correct and quite frankly I'm tired of just trying to keep up with the fucking Jones's. I'm obviously frustrated to the point that I'm not even sure what the hell to write anymore; I mean Hell! it's no wonder that writer's are on strike and I don't blame them! I'm no writer myself but if I had to make a living writing; I'd be on strike as well. I find it extremely difficult to gather some kind of fucking "serendipity" these days or any day. Any takers on how to alleviate this shitty feeling inside?