Sunday, October 12, 2008
Namaste, Peace & Blessings. I've been busy for sometime now but I realize how fortunate and lucky I and so many other people today are. We take too many things for granted but I like to keep myself occupied in my mind and spirit just to taste that inner peace and essence that is constantly there, always. I choose to tune out so many negative issues, not that I don't care or I don't want to know what's going on, because I DO know; however I know that we are all one and the more positive energy and attitude we carry and broadcast, the more we become that positive change there should be more of in life. Forgive me if I may sound like a fucking politician but I am only a human being like all of you and do not claim to be any kind of prophet or savior. I am, however awake to know that I am to be thankful to God in all it's forms shapes and images from all around the World and wether God is male or female I will not aruge,but believe me that God IS LOVE. Most of you have already suffered enough of your lives to want to change your direction right? I doubt anyone would say: "No, I like to suffer all the time and live miserably". Relax, cause things get better the minute you decide to surrender to your inner peace. That's right, just decide right now to surrender to God, the inner love that is within each and everyone of us who doesn't judge or critize others. That inner glow that's scary to listen to because we're afraid to really let go and LIVE again like when you're 18! We are all children of the universe finding our path to truth and looking for love as well as to BE loved. You feel that? . . . . That's the power of the universe moving through your body as you breathe and exale this very second........thanks be! Keep in mind who you really are and stay tuned to the universe, maybe then we can run into each other and have a taco or veggie delight! Stay blessed.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
My Truth
I declare myself a child of the universe. I believe there is a higher power in life, and although I may not be able to see it, I know I can sense it. To begin with, I'd like to give back to my parents as much as possible because I owe who I am to them. For better or worse I will make a path for myself in my lifetime; regardless of what anyone says, thinks or does. I constantly find inner strength in Jesus, The Four Agreements, World Religions, and my own experiences, which lead me to believe in God. Through God everything is possible and I do not find it necessary to over exaggerate and emphasize. It is because I have over exaggerated in my life, that I now find it useless and it is an "over kill". I find it extremely helpful to just be conscious, spiritual and aware of the great holy mystery that guides me. I have no more grudges against Catholicism and find that sacredness is all around me; it all depends on my attitude.
Although I feel mentally, physically and spiritually drained from expressing all of this; God will see to it that I make it. Personally, I don't believe God has any gender but is just all great and powerful. Any further notes that you (the reader) would like to add; please be my guest.
Although I feel mentally, physically and spiritually drained from expressing all of this; God will see to it that I make it. Personally, I don't believe God has any gender but is just all great and powerful. Any further notes that you (the reader) would like to add; please be my guest.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Sacred Feminine

Peace and Blessings to all women! Just in case this strikes you as "a blog some guy decided to put up so he can get attention from females", let me just say that you're so wrong!
This picture caught my attention, so I decided to show the world that we need to take better care of women. Let's start with equality, respect, listening, trust, and accepting. I LOVE women, my problem is that I can't seem to attract any! I'm NOT about to turn this into me because this Blog is about women and how we can change our relationships and our lives by simply listening and respecting women. This image says so much and might offend, but the truth is that Females are stronger than men! There is no way in God's green earth that any man could withstand nine months of creating a child, give birth to it, nurture the child, and raise this child to be a conscious human being that's not only productive in it's society but a credit as well. No man could do what women have done in raising children. Having said this, I decided to post this picture for all females who feel, think, and know that they have been under-appreciated at work, home, school, in their community or any part of their lives. This is my small, sincere humbling moment to all those "soldier" women who have raised us to be strong conscious adults. We may not be living in the greatest of times, but thanks to women, they always remind us of how to think with our hearts and minds. This small blog and picture is dedicated to you! God Bless you always, Peace, Love & Respect!
This picture was taken from
and it's called "Vagina de Guadalupe"
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
2-10-2008 8:50pm
La conciencia es una de las cosas sagradas que la vida nos da. Es importante conocerse y controlarse para que de esta manera, uno tenga facilidad de poder lograr su tranquilidad interna. Todos tenemos la capacidad de encontrar nuestro equilibrio entre nuestra energia masculina y femenina en nosotros mismos. Hay varios momentos en que me llegan negatividades, pensamientos y sentimientos crueles y malvados. Es entonces que tengo que pelear con estos mismos sentimientos y pensamientos que tengo en el corazon. Yo creo que cualquier otra persona se volviera loca, pero tengo la fuerza en mi conciencia para venser estas emociones negras que visitan mi corazon. Es bonito querer y amar, pero tambien es un gran logro poder pensar y analizar con la inteligencia de nuestra mente, que Dios nos a dado para evitar malos sentimientos en nuestros corazones. Son solamente mis opiniones que me ayudan mantenerme tranquilo. Una ultima observacion es que el trabajo es sagrado y aquel que no lo reconozca siempre tendra problemas con el.
Our conscience is one of those sacred things that LIFE gives us. It's important to know and control yourself in order to more easily find inner peace. We all have the capacity to find a balance between our male and female energy within us. There are many moments where I have negative thoughts and cruel feelings in my heart. I believe that most people would go crazy, however I know that I am strong in my heart and conscience to defeat these destructive feelings that visit my heart. It's a beautiful thing to love and be loved, however it is also a great accomplishment to be able to think and analyze with our mind's intelligence that God has given us, in order to avoid negative feelings in our hearts. These are only my opinions which help keep me tranquil. One last observation is that "work" is sacred; and however does not recognize this truth will always have problems with it.
La conciencia es una de las cosas sagradas que la vida nos da. Es importante conocerse y controlarse para que de esta manera, uno tenga facilidad de poder lograr su tranquilidad interna. Todos tenemos la capacidad de encontrar nuestro equilibrio entre nuestra energia masculina y femenina en nosotros mismos. Hay varios momentos en que me llegan negatividades, pensamientos y sentimientos crueles y malvados. Es entonces que tengo que pelear con estos mismos sentimientos y pensamientos que tengo en el corazon. Yo creo que cualquier otra persona se volviera loca, pero tengo la fuerza en mi conciencia para venser estas emociones negras que visitan mi corazon. Es bonito querer y amar, pero tambien es un gran logro poder pensar y analizar con la inteligencia de nuestra mente, que Dios nos a dado para evitar malos sentimientos en nuestros corazones. Son solamente mis opiniones que me ayudan mantenerme tranquilo. Una ultima observacion es que el trabajo es sagrado y aquel que no lo reconozca siempre tendra problemas con el.
Our conscience is one of those sacred things that LIFE gives us. It's important to know and control yourself in order to more easily find inner peace. We all have the capacity to find a balance between our male and female energy within us. There are many moments where I have negative thoughts and cruel feelings in my heart. I believe that most people would go crazy, however I know that I am strong in my heart and conscience to defeat these destructive feelings that visit my heart. It's a beautiful thing to love and be loved, however it is also a great accomplishment to be able to think and analyze with our mind's intelligence that God has given us, in order to avoid negative feelings in our hearts. These are only my opinions which help keep me tranquil. One last observation is that "work" is sacred; and however does not recognize this truth will always have problems with it.
Monday, February 11, 2008
At night traffic sounds different...
More peaceful, somehow romantic.
During the day it's just violent;
yet something mysterious takes
place during the twilight.
Night's traffic is showered
with the stillness of the dark,
and a new world begins to unravel.
At night, traffic sounds like a boat
breaking waves under the moon light.
This gives me peace; and I think
about how completely opposite these two
worlds are. However, perception
depends on the individual.
A person who only pays attention to
traffic and nothing else becomes
entangled in the web of traffic;
they are part of it.
The on-lookers can analyze this traffic,
listen to it, and experience a
moment of "oceanic tranquility".
More peaceful, somehow romantic.
During the day it's just violent;
yet something mysterious takes
place during the twilight.
Night's traffic is showered
with the stillness of the dark,
and a new world begins to unravel.
At night, traffic sounds like a boat
breaking waves under the moon light.
This gives me peace; and I think
about how completely opposite these two
worlds are. However, perception
depends on the individual.
A person who only pays attention to
traffic and nothing else becomes
entangled in the web of traffic;
they are part of it.
The on-lookers can analyze this traffic,
listen to it, and experience a
moment of "oceanic tranquility".
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Does anybody out there know anything about bio-rhythms they wouldn't mind sharing with me? I for one would like to learn how I can balance my own energy for personal well-being. Any takers? Feel free to leave a comment. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
I want to make this brief, but for those who understand spirituality, I believe that "psycho-acoustics" is extremely important for anyone who seeks a path to the spiritual realm. It is like the sacred Hindu text says: "One must find the answers within.
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